Hi all! While in blog land seeing all the linky parties, I decided to host one. There are sooo many cool websites out there that teachers use on a daily basis. I want to know what sites do you use in your classroom on a daily basis, you know the ones you can't live without!
For me: Spellingcity.com, and these two babies for math http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/pages/studentlinks/map/, for reading http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/ro/pages/studentlinks/map/reading.htm. Click on the links to check them all out.
By Jacqueline Holland Richardson
SecondissoSweet is a blog that was created with the teacher in mind. Hope you will find great inspiration that will assist you in the classroom!! Roll up your sleeves and lets get busy!!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Coin Bookmarks
I created these for my kids since some were still having trouble counting sets of coins. Some people add antennas or heads to the coins for counting by 5's. As you can see, I added smiley faces. My kids have these in their math journal for references. You can also add these to their desks using contact paper. If you would like a copy, leave a comment with your email and it will be sent right to you. Be Blessed.
The 3am Teacher
If you have not checked out this blog, Lord knows you should. There are certain blogs that I visit everyday and this is one of them. Michelle over at The 3am Teacher has so many wonderful ideas. She creates wonderful graphics and is having a SALE!!! Her money set and the place value set are a-w-e-s-o-m-e! Can't wait to create something for my kiddos. Please hop on over and be addicted like I am. Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Easter Freebies linky party
If you're like me, you are tired and need a break........Spring Break, that is. But before you take a break for the evening, Emily over at 2nd Grade Mon-"Stars" is having an Easter freebie linky party. I've added my freebie and if you have a blog, link up. If you don't click on the link for some wonderful ideas.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Give-a-way Time!
Posted an addition fact family math center game to my TPT store yesterday. It reviews the 6,8, and 10 fact families. The price is only $3.00. Take a look at the preview. The first three people to comment, will get it free. Don't forget to include your email! God Bless!
My Lil' Book of Prayers
I wish prayer was still allowed in schools. If it were, we wouldn't have sooooooo many problems. The problems came when they took God and prayer out of schools. I created this little activity for a friend of mine who teaches in South Carolina! Shout out to Carmen ( Carmena). I can't use it in my classroom, but will use it with my daughter. If you can use it, here is your book of prayers. Click here and be Blessed in the Lord!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Basketball Box Set
Build a Duck posted
Build a duck
I have seen these around but can't remember where. I decided to do one for the kinder and first grade crowd as well as my ESOL kids. My school has 47 different languages represented. I will fill you in on my wee folks later. Here is a freebie for the build a duck. I have a 3 page activity that goes with it where students use a die to roll to get each body part to build the duck. I will also make one based on addition and subtraction. That will be coming later in the week. I will post the 3 page activity to TPT for $2.00. It includes a graph as well. Here are the ducky pieces. I am having a sale. This is included in the sale as well. The sale lasts until tomorrow. Don't miss out!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
March Madness Sale
In celebration of March Madness, I am having a sale in my TPT store. The sale begins now and will end on Monday. Everything is 20% off. Leave me a message if you found something useful for your kids. Thanks and BE BLESSED!
Passing on the love
Since I was awarded the Top 10 Blog Award, I want to pass it on to:
Tanya over @ http://www.aplusfirsties.blogspot.com/
Emily over @ http://www.fisdmonstars.blogspot.com/
Heather over @ http://heathersfirstgradeheart.blogspot.com/
Melissa over @ http://mrsfreshwatersclass.blogspot.com/
Ladies, please grab and post on your blog!
I will be passing this award on to more deserving blogsters, but now I am off to spend time with my sweet family. Its a beautiful day and I was blessed with it so I am going to rejoice and be glad by praising God always for his love and brand new mercies each and every day.
Tanya over @ http://www.aplusfirsties.blogspot.com/
Emily over @ http://www.fisdmonstars.blogspot.com/
Heather over @ http://heathersfirstgradeheart.blogspot.com/
Melissa over @ http://mrsfreshwatersclass.blogspot.com/
Ladies, please grab and post on your blog!
I will be passing this award on to more deserving blogsters, but now I am off to spend time with my sweet family. Its a beautiful day and I was blessed with it so I am going to rejoice and be glad by praising God always for his love and brand new mercies each and every day.
A new award and a freebie!
God is so good! I owe all I do to him. I want to thank Corinna over at Surfin' Through Second for bestowing upon me the Top 10 Blog Award. Thank you so very much! Please hop on over and check her wonderful blog out! She so rocks! Since its March Madness, here is a freebie for you. It's a roll and cover game. My second graders love these games. Get your freebie here!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Easter/Spring writing journal
Easter Ideas
Do you needs some cute Easter and Sprng ideas? Go here. If you have some cute activities on your blog, make sure to link up. Be Blessed!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Kindergarten Measurement
Hi all! Just wanted to show you something so very cute for kindergarten. I think all grades at my school are focusing on measurement. So here is a little preview of a lesson on sequencing smallest to largest or largest to smallest. It will be available on TPT for only $2.00. Here is a freebie. Enjoy and Be Blessed!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Want a deal?
Over at Scholastics Teacher Express, they are having a sale on their leveled readers. These are ebooks in a pdf for only 79 cents. Last month they had teacher resource ebooks for only $1. I mean books that were regularly 15.99 were only $1. So jump on over to see what you can find. Don't forget to put them as a favorite so you can check back often for their wonderful deals.
Roll, Say, Keep
Are you familiar with this game? I first found it here. Since then I have used it with my kinders and now my second graders. You can use subtraction and addition flashcards as well as sight word flash cards with this game. Think of the possibilities. Have you used it in your room? If so how? I will post some flashcards for you to use with an Easter and Spring theme. So come back soon.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I am a blogaholic!!
I must confess to all of you in blog world that I Jacqueline Richardson is a blogaholic. I am addicted. I check blogs everyday, some twice or even three times a day. I DON'T want to miss anything. My DD asks if I must do this everyday. The answer is YES! I learn so much from others. I enjoyed college but BU ( Blog University) has taught me ALOT!!! To all of my fellow BU classmates, alumni ( cause some of you have been doing this for awhile), and freshman ( newbies)! BLOG ON!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Become a blog hopper!
Ok, I consider myself a blog hopper! I love visiting other blogs and getting creative ideas. There are sooooo many innovative and creative teachers out there. We all can't be in the same place at the same time soooo...............................go hop on over and visit a blog. Donna, over at The Math Coach's Corner has given us a wealth of info on blogs. She has given everyone with a blog, an opportunity to link up by grade level. You don't have to go lookin' because it's right here for your use. So please, I beg you, jump on over and add these blogs to your favorites and become followers. You never know, you may just start your own!!!! happy bloggin'
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Need some freebies???
Well you are in for a treat. Over at Teaching Blog Addict, bloggers have linked up to give away some Friday Freebies. What teacher can resist the words Friday and Freebie! Hop on over to see what you can find. I have added my Friday freebies as well.
Oh yeah, I was up bouncing around from blog to blog trying to find some great ideas for Monday and I just knew Kathy over at First Grade a la Carte would have something for me. We will be celebrating St. Patty's Day on Monday. With that being said, please visit her blog and see what she has for St. Patrick's Day. Thanks Kathy

Oh yeah, I was up bouncing around from blog to blog trying to find some great ideas for Monday and I just knew Kathy over at First Grade a la Carte would have something for me. We will be celebrating St. Patty's Day on Monday. With that being said, please visit her blog and see what she has for St. Patrick's Day. Thanks Kathy
Friday, March 16, 2012
Presidential visit writing prompts
Here are the writing prompts I promised. Please leave a comment if you are going to grab these. I think I may wip up something else to add for my kinder crowd. So come back on tomorrow. Click here
A Presidential Visit
Guess who is in Atlanta tonight? Yep you guessed it........................ the president of the USA . He is slated to be at Tyler Perry's mansion for a fund raising dinner. Sure wish I could be there. Indeed Monday's writing prompt will be about his visit. I will allow my students to watch this! Will create a writing sheet and share once done.
Here's.......................your freebie!
I pray that you all had a blessed Friday. For those of you who are dealing with allergies, I will pray that you feel better and please do the same for me. My face hurts sooooooo bad. Anyway..... here is a lil' freebie from my St. Patty's day math unit. These are the rounding cards. Purchase the unit in my TPT store to get the other activities, which are perfect for math centers and small groups. Click here for your freebie. Be Blessed!
I can smell clover's in the air!!!!!
I have finished my 2nd grade St. Patty's Day Math activities unit. My students need a little more practice with these skills before moving on to measurement. There are some cute measurement activities floating around in blog world. Can't wait to snag them up. Here is a preview of the unit. I will post it in my TPT store by this afternoon. I will also post a freebie from this unit as well. Have a Blessed and wonderful Friday.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012
It's a P-A-R-T-Y!!!!
...... a linky party that is! If you are like me and love being inspired by others, follow the link. If you have a k-2 blog and would love to share your teachers resources, Kindergarten Lifestyle is having a linky party that you don't want to be left out of. So.... link up! Have a grand Bloggin' evening.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My First Award
In an earlier post, I told you all about Mrs. Dwyer over at Mrs. Dwyer's A+ Firsties. She awarded me my first blog award: The Liebster Blog Award. I am so honored. This award is given to blogs with fewer than 200 followers.
In the spirit of my Liebster Blog Award ( Lieb means Love),and because I love what I do here is a freebie just for you.
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