By Jacqueline Holland Richardson

SecondissoSweet is a blog that was created with the teacher in mind. Hope you will find great inspiration that will assist you in the classroom!! Roll up your sleeves and lets get busy!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


O.K. i might be behind the times but a co-worker introduced me to Voki's. I am going to post ons and then I will tell you more about them.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Organization notebooks

Are you familiar with them? These are great ways to organize your kids in your class. Go to this website and click on B.E.E. books for an excellent explanation by Ms. Mecham ( love her). I plan to use the theme T.E.A.M ( together everyone achieves more) since I really want to build an atmosphere of caring and team work. I am also including another website with different acronyms that you may want to use. If you google the term, you will get a wealth of information. I used these notebooks with my kinders and they loved them. I think I only had 1 fatality(notebook) the entire year.

A Second grade teacher..... Are you Sure?????

I haven't been blogging lately because I have been lookong on other blogs for new inspiration. I am now, after 13 years in kindergarten, a 2nd grade teacher. I am nervous and up for the challenge. I will share with you some great blogs for kindergarten, first, and second grade.